Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Kirkwood Family

Yesterday Lincoln and I made a visit to my school for a little baby shower! It was so great to see everyone...and while I don't miss working I do miss my wonderful coworkers!

The end of an era...

So this past weekend we celebrated the graduation of my baby sister Johannah from Washington High School!  Thankfully it wasn't 90 degrees like usual and we/she made it through without a hitch!

The Graduate

With her sisters...don't mind my nasty hair, it has since been given a little boost!

Graduating is hard work...

And we couldn't resist...

Friday, May 24, 2013

The First of Many...

Its official...Lincoln has his first cold :( A trip to the doc and heel stick...not so fun!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lincoln Thomas...Come to the Water

We baptized little Lincoln this weekend at St. James Church in Washington, the same church I was baptized in and where I attended elementary school. It was a nice little ceremony between masses and we celebrated afterwards with our families!

Godparents: Jon Troll & Jacayla Vittetoe

Friday, May 17, 2013

6 Weeks Old

My smiles are getting more and more frequent

Listening to Game of Thrones with Daddy

Nerd Training

'"Now Lincoln, this is how we set up a VPN..."

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Say Cheese!

I can smile!
After camera stalking my child all day I finally captured these!!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Playing Catch Up...

Bath & Rhea Time
The "poop" face and which also happens to be mama's favorite face :)
Sleepy tummy time
Out and about with Mommy and Rhea
Mama's morning side pony...showers are a luxury :)
One Month Old
Likes: Chest Naps with Mommy and Daddy, Riding in the car, hanging out in his vibrating chair, face licks from Rhea and bath time
Dislikes: Gassy tummy, changing clothes
First "real" clothes and oh so cute!