Friday, December 30, 2016

Project Life Goals for 2017

Taking a queue from the lovely Becky Higgins I am taking a minute to write down my scrapbooking goals for 2017.  I have been giving this a ton of thought over the past couple of months, especially since having our third child in August.  I have been thinking about how best to move forward with scrapbooking for  all my children and for our family.

Making these decisions have been a huge road block for me over the past couple of years which is why I am now about three years behind!  I have been struggling with how best to make my memory keeping manageable yet meaningful for each of my kids.  What I have come to realize is that I need to quit worrying so much or who will get what and how the scrapbooks will be shared in the future and just do what I think will work best for now!

What I've done so far...
So far I have completed a physical album of our first son Lincoln's entire first year of life.  I discovered Project Life shortly after he was born and it was a game changer for me.  I was never a traditional scrapbooker despite my love for working creatively.  I knew this method was perfect for my style and I've been hooked ever since.  I sorted photos by week and went from there.  I tried to limit myself to a spread per week with additional pages used for heavy photos weeks or special events like his birth, baptism,etc.  I started out using a wide variety of layouts and by the end I tried to stick with just Design A to steam line my process.  I am still in the journaling process, but feel so great about his book being mostly complete. (See photos of page below)

I also recently created a summer vacation album for my mother-in-law documenting our get together this past summer.  I have also used Digital Project Life to help my sister create a community service scrapbook from her year at Miss Scott County in preparation for Miss Iowa last June.

Documentation Goals For 2017

  • Create physical first year scrapbooks for our daughter Sloan's first year and begin working on Sawyer's before I get too behind or at least keeping on top of photo sorting. (I've already started editing and uploading photos to get printed for Sloan!!!)
  • Weekly Family Album--This is my first year doing a weekly family album.  I am planning to print photos at home for this to help me keep on top of it.  
  • Thoughtful picture taking and daily delete.  I have been trying to take most photos horizontal over the past few months to help with workflow and have been editing them as soon as possible using the PicTapGo app.  Deleting all the extras right away has been amazing and I plan to continue this process in 2017.
  • Sharing with the Project Life Community via the 2017 Creative Team (Physical)

I know these are some lofty goals for me being a full time working mom with three kids under 4 but Project Life is something I love doing and am passionate about.  I am so excited to be a part of the 2017 Creative Team I'm ready share my work and process with the Project Life community and learn from my fellow teammates.  I want all of you to keep me accountable for achieving these goals in 2017!

Some of the pages from Lincoln's first year album.  These also happened to be my application images for the 2017 Project Life Creative Team.