Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Rough Day...

So yesterday was a bit of a rough day at daycare...since he was working on popping a SECOND tooth! Which I was informed today meant he would probably lose them early since he got them early, so I'll guess we will see!

Today was a bit rougher know you are in for it when your sitter says "Oh you are going to love hearing about our day today!" right when you walk in the door.

Since Lincoln is now trying to pull himself up he scratched his head on the exercauser...

Since Lincoln is chewing on his fingers like crazy he scratched his face pretty bad...

And lastly...another kid bit him on the forehead today too...I guess he didn't like sharing the little playhouse with him :(

Needless to say he is a tough kid and I'm sure it is the first of MANY more rough days to come :)

Boys will be boys....

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

First Tooth

We have our first tooth! The lower left tooth has popped through! He has also discovered his tongue. It's pretty cute watching him stick it out.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

First Words...?

So Todd has been gone for three days at a conference in...wait for it....Vegas...

Of course while he is gone Lincoln has been babbling Da Da Da almost non stop!

Maybe he knows what he is saying...maybe he just knows he is making noise...either way it's pretty darn cute!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Lincoln Thomas...6 Months Old

Height: 27 inches
Weight: 19lbs. 4oz.

75th Percentile all around

6 Month Moments
  • Rolling & Scooting
  • Sitting up like a champ!
  • Giggling
  • Loves being startled
  • Hates shots...especially when there is only one nurse :( (that's what I get for scheduling the appointment on the Doc's only late night)
  • Babbling
  • Saying what sounds a lot like "Da Da" quite frequently
  • Playing with Rhea
  • Loves Holly the sitter and ALL of her children
  • Holding his own bottle
  • Chewing Chewing Chewing